The first NEUMAN & ESSER company in China was found in 2008 and is located in Beijing. NEUMAN & ESSER Beijing supplies the Chinese market with compressor solutions, process solutions and energy solutions. The portfolio consists of compressor systems, grinding and classifying systems as well as electrolyzers including the related digital monitoring solutions. Moreover, NEUMAN & ESSER’s China site supplies customers with original spare parts and further professional services such as repairs, revamps and technical support. NEUMAN & ESSER Beijing’s products and services are widely used in industries such as oil and Gas, chemicals, new energies, and hydrogen production.
To-date, the currently over 20 employees have sold and installed considerably several hundred units throughout China. NEUMAN & ESSER Beijing is located in the Peking district of Chaoyang. However, as several of the customers are located in the Yangtze Delta region, NEUMAN & ESSER established a Maintenance and Logistics Center in Shanghai in 2015. Typical workshop services that are offered are repairs, revamps and modernization.
In May 2022, another site was established in Kunshan, in Jiangsu province, near Suzhuo and Shanghai. STASSKOL Kunshan Ltd. is the contact for the STASSKOL product portfolio on the Chinese market.
Room 2102, Hyundai Motor Tower
No.38, Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China 100125
0086 – 10-84464234