Mills & Classifier Systems

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Mills & Classifier Systems

Experts for Mills & Classifier Systems

We have a good century’s experience in mechanical process technology with mills and classifier systems. The know-how and constant dialog with our customers form the basis for the high level of performance and quality. Today, our portfolio inludes pendulum roller mills, impact classifier mills as well as separators and air classifiers for coarse and finest classification.

Classifier Systems

Process Service and Revamping

Our aftermarket service includes maintenance and repairs, wear parts and spare parts. Moreover, we offer individual solutions for the revamp and modernization of existing mills and classifier systems. Better grinding output and energy savings are achieved by revamping mills and classifier systems, also systems from other manufacturers.

Customer Focus in the Design of Mills and Classifier Systems

We supply customers from a wide range of industries, for example the ceramics, pigment, processing and fertilizer industries. Several mills and classifier systems are also used for manufacturing sweets, chemicals and powder coating. We carry out production trials with the customer’s material at our generously dimensioned Test Center in order to enable safe mill and system design and scale-up for the planned production systems.

More about our Test Center

Do you have any questions?
I am happy to help you!
Gustavo Angeloci Dos Santos
Account Manager
+1 281 497-5113
NEUMAN & ESSER Process Technology USA, Inc.
1502 East Summitry Circle
Katy, Texas 77449