A cooperation agreement between NEUMAN & ESSER and Tietjen Verfahrenstechnik GmbH has been in place since 2020. Within this framework, Tietjen under the name "TICM" (Tietjen Impact-Classifier Mill) will take over the worldwide distribution of our impact classifier mill related to the applications Aqua Feed and Pet Food.
The TICM ultrafine grinding concept is specifically conceived for the requirements of aquafeed and pet food production, which means it can handle the greatest challenges where grain size is concerned. Our impact classifier mill combines efficient grinding with precise sifting, all in one machine. As a result, it is possible to manufacture particularly homogenous end products with high levels of fineness (100–400 µm) and a precise separating cut of up to 99%, while maintaining a high throughput. A further unique feature is the optimized mill chamber design. It ensures damage-free processing with a minimal increase in grist temperature. This means that vitamins and micro components are preserved. In addition, the one-step griding process allows compact plant design, and can be integrated into existing plants as a dedicated ultrafine grinding assembly with excellent results.
As a specialist in grinding, Tietjen makes use of the mills in a wide range of industries – including the manufacture of pet food and aqua feed. The ‘TICM’ impact classifier mill enables Tietjen to expand its product portfolio, while its expertise enables it to offer solutions for the major challenges faced by the pet food and aqua feed industries.