Piston Compressors

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Piston Compressors

Robust & Energy-Efficient Piston Compressors

Piston compressors have several advantages over other types of compressors, e.g. screw compressors or turbo compressors. The technology of piston compressors is robust and reliable.

Our piston compressors are extremely energy-efficient and can be flexibly adjusted to process changes. The good controllability of piston compressors allows different suction and discharge pressures as well as adjustable volume flow rates.

Vertikale Bauform
Vertical Type
  • most suitable for dry-running operation because of minor wear of the guide elements only

  • appropriate for labyrinth compression for more precise guidance of piston and piston rod

  • oil-free or lubricated design

  • number of cranks: 1, 2, 3, 4

  • number of stages: 1 to 8

  • discharge pressures: max. 15,000 psi

  • power range: max. 20,800 hp

  • flow rates: max. 30,000 scfm

  • balanced mass forces 1st order

  • horizontal mass forces only 2nd order

  • less space required

  • low foundation loads

  • oil-free or lubricated design

  • number of cranks: 1, 2

  • number of stages: 1 to 4

  • discharge pressures: max. 6,000 psi

  • power range: max. 1,500 hp

  • flow rates: max. 2,400 scfm

Horizontale Bauform
Horizontal Type
  • balanced mass forces

  • excellent quietness in running

  • short maintenance time due to very good accessibility

  • low foundation loads

  • oil-free or lubricated design

  • number of cranks: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8

  • number of stages: 1 to 8

  • discharge pressures: max. 15,000 psi

  • power range: max. 41,000 hp

  • flow rates: max. 100,000 Nm³/h

Process Gas / API 618

Every NEUMAN & ESSER process gas compressor is customized and unique. The process gas compressors meet the individual requirements and respective specifications. They are designed in compliance with the API 618 standard and consider all types of hydrogen mixed gases and hydrocarbon gases - even with corrosive and toxic components, and at high discharge pressures.

The know-how of our experts guarantees customers a complete range of compressors and compressor systems in compliance with the API 618 standard that fulfill various requirements. The oil-free or lubricated piston compressors for low and high speeds with water-cooled cylinders compress all types of gas mixtures.

Non-API 618

In addition to piston compressors in compliance with API 618, our portfolio also includes non-API 618 compressors. Typical application gases for these compressors in line with our proven standard include CO2, biogas, and oxygen. These compressors meet all the necessary requirements and are based on our many years of experience. They are reliable, robust, and low maintenance.

Our non-API 618 compressors are oil-free as well as lubricated and water-cooled piston compressors. We provide them as vertical and V-type compressors. The compressors are used in applications such as the chemical industry or the food and beverage industry.

NEA|Flex Labyrinth

A key argument in favor of piston compressors is that they can be easily regulated, for example in terms of capacity or volume flow. Another important positive feature of piston compressors is the high tightness of the working chambers compared to rotating machines. This means that gases can be compressed economically even at high pressure.

However, there are also applications where a sealing system that is not based on contacting sealing elements is required. Examples include gases with abrasive particles, gases with a tendency to polymerize and highly flammable gases.

We have launched the flexible labyrinth system "Flex Labyrinth" for these applications. Flex Labyrinth is an effective alternative to conventional non-contact labyrinth systems, which we have improved and optimized.

The main point of these optimizations is the guidance of the piston and the piston rod. Our experts of the R&D department have replaced the rod guide originally used. Now, a combination of piston guide rings and plain bearings at the lower end of the piston rod ensures the best possible rod guidance.

NEA|High-Speed Compressor

We have launched a high-speed process gas compressor for upstream and midstream applications. These high-speed compressors are based on the core product, the high-performance process gas compressors in compliance with API 618.

The horizontal high-speed compressors can reach speeds of up to 1,200 rpm thanks to the stiffness of the cast drive unit and the compact design. The drive is available with two, four or six cranks, depending on customer requirements. Our high-speed compressors therefore fulfill the strict and demanding requirements of the natural gas industry.

An overview of more benefits:

  • flexible compressor speeds
  • natural gas, diesel, or electric drive
  • water-cooled or air-cooled cylinders
  • lubricated or dry-running design
  • extremely robust crankcase constructions
  • extended material selection for high-pressure applications
  • low vibrations for offshore use

The high-speed compressor 560hs is compact, robust, and extremely powerful with up to 7,500 kW and up to 1,200 rpm. We have developed the high-speed compressor for the global natural gas market, for natural gas production and natural gas transportation. It is also used in natural gas storage, natural gas pressure boosting for gas turbines and in the compression of technical gases.

In addition to NEUMAN & ESSER piston compressors, we also offer our NEA|HOFER piston compressor product line.

Do you have any questions?
I am happy to help you!
Luiz Soriano
Key Account Manager
+1 713-554-9646 luiz.soriano@neuman-esser.com
1502 East Summitry Circle
Katy, Texas 77449
Soriano Luiz
Do you have any questions?
I am happy to help you!
Kevin Melnyk
Account Manager - Canada, Alaska
+1 403-831-1936 kevin.melnyk@neuman-esser.com
1502 East Summitry Circle
Katy, Texas 77449
Melnyk Kevin
Do you have any questions?
I am happy to help you!
Juan Velazquez
Account Manager - Latin America
+1 713-554-9606 juan.velazquez@neuman-esser.com
1502 East Summitry Circle
Katy, Texas 77449
Velazquez Juan
Do you have any questions?
I am happy to help you!
Patrick McCalley
Sales & Product Manager H2 Economy - Americas
+1 713-823-1839 patrick.mccalley@neuman-esser.com
1502 East Summitry Circle
Katy, Texas 77449
McCalley Patrick
Do you have any questions?
I am happy to help you!
Zach Heine
Key Account Manager
+1 713-554-9610 zach.heine@neuman-esser.com
1502 East Summitry Circle
Katy, Texas 77449
Heine Zach
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Joseph Lesak
Key Account Manager
+1 713-554-9638 joseph.lesak@neuman-esser.com
1502 East Summitry Circle
Katy, Texas 77449
Lesak Joseph
Do you have any questions?
I am happy to help you!
Scott DeBaldo
+1 713-554-9601 scott.debaldo@neuman-esser.com
1502 East Summitry Circle
Katy, Texas 77449
De Baldo Scott